Trauma and Mindfulness
This short video is about compassion, self-care and the possibility of personal change despite terrible trauma.
Trauma and Mindfulness
Pause and Shift Directions When Your Life and Work Hit Major Obstacles
When too many obstacles appear in your life and work, decide what you do and don’t need, and walk away from unproductive stressors. Ann Feldman was diagnosed with late-stage cancer while creating a documentary on trauma and mindfulness. That, along with the project’s failure, taught her to stop, exert self-care, change direction, and explore new creative avenues, achieving even greater impact and fulfillment.
The case study showcases difficult career decisions for a successful second-generation Chinese American man in the Bay Area. He wanted to switch careers to become a veterinarian but was worried about giving up his high-status position and salary.
Consider these questions as you explore the chapter...
This short video is about compassion, self-care and the possibility of personal change despite terrible trauma.
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